Saturday, December 19, 2009


Humans...when they are in a controlled situations they will do anything to get out and be free..gets sentimental over little things...creates a fuss for the sligtest change in what people is just more simpler in there....but i guess its another type of jungle in its own way...'survival of the fittest' concept really works once you are in there..

Yet they are the most innocent creative people one can find...trying to crawl and learning to walk again as if a child is learining to walk for the first time....learining to trust and hold someone's hand...oh they so badly wants to start living again...its like they have been just existing all this time...cut away from the rest of the world..

And they dream.... oh so sweet n pure is their dreams...earning a living....having a loving wife..having beautiful kids who won't end up like them.....awww.....

If only we truly beleive in second chance ....and see them as persons rather than actions they have taken in the past..

If only they could trust themselves to hang in there until they reach the point where they can be in the driver's seat....