Monday, May 4, 2009

Stolen Moments

Love is strange and confusing as life. One never knows when it will happen and when it happens, so often the other party is not available or already tied up with strings. Yet I can’t help but fall in love. Almost can’t help it. And I keep asking myself whether he is the right person. And if so why does it have to be this way. And what will anybody loose if we could be together.

Knowing that it can’t really happen yet,
I can’t help it but feel the magic surrounding me
Can’t stop smiling to myself
Humming to myself and living in a dream world of my own
Reigniting the belief in fairy tales and story books

I miss him, long to be with him
Gone through the short lived moments over and over in my mind
Feeling the magic every time

It’s crazy…yet the high you get from it is indescribable…..